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- (404) 385-3907
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- Howey C101
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Pablo Laguna
Adjunct Professor
Numerical Relativity & Computational Astrophysics Simulations of compact object binaries
Supercomputer technology has changed dramatically the landscape of General Relativity. Numerical Relativity, namely the formulation of Einstein field equations in a way amenable to numerical analysis, has emerged as a field of its own. I am a numerical relativist studying astrophysical systems where general relativistic effects play a fundamental role. Currently, the primary focus of my research is the numerical simulation of the coalescence of black hole binaries. The collision of black holes is a central problem in General Relativity. This problem will not only expose the complex, non-linear nature of Einstein's field equations, but it will also bring General Relativity much closer in harmony with the observations of gravitational radiation expected to take place in the near future.
2008 - Director, Center for Relativistic Astrophysics, Georgia Tech
2008 - Professor of Physics, Georgia Tech
2001 - 2008 Associate Director, Center for Gravitational Wave Physics, Penn State
2001 - 2006 Associate Director, Institute for Gravitational Physics & Geometry, Penn State
2000 - 2008 Professor, Depts. of Astronomy & Astrophysics and Physics, Penn State
1998 - 2000 Assoc. Professor, Dept. of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Penn State
1992 - 1998 Assist. Professor, Dept. of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Penn State
1990 - 1992 Postdoc, Theoretical Astrophysics Group, Los Alamos National Laboratory
1989 - 1990 Postdoc, Physics Department, Drexel University
1987 - 1989 Postdoc, Center for Relativity, University of Texas at Austin
1982 - 1987 Ph.D., Physics, University of Texas at Austin
1977 - 1981 B.Sc., Physics, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, Mexico