Platinum-based spintronics

mso-ansi-language:EN-US">For centuries, platinum metal has been highly valued for its luster and rarity. With the technological revolution, Pt has found many applications owing to its high chemical inertness and catalytic properties. Recently, electronic properties of Pt have attracted a significant interest for possible spintronic applications. By passing an electrical current through a device comprised of a bilayer of Pt with a ferromagnet, one can modify the dynamical magnetic characteristics of the ferromagnet by the pure spin current generated in Pt by the spin Hall effect. I will describe our recent measurements demonstrating that one can utilize the spin Hall effect in Pt to significantly suppress or enhance thermal magnetization fluctuations in an adjacent ferromagnet, modify the dynamical damping rates, induce magnetization auto-oscillations, and reverse the magnetization. Finally, I will describe measurements indicating that not only Pt can affect the properties of the adjacent ferromagnet, but also the ferromagnet can induce magnetism in Pt, suggesting the possibility of intricate interplay between magnetism and spin transport.


Event Details


  • Date: 
    Wednesday, October 16, 2013 - 11:00am

Howey N110