3rd Annual SESICB Meeting

We are pleased to announce that the 3rd Annual SESICB Southeastern Regional conference will be held on Friday, September 27, 2013 at Georgia Institute of Technology, located in the midtown district of Atlanta, Georgia. The conference will be held in Technology Square Research Building, Auditorium, located at 85 Fifth Street NW, Atlanta, Georgia 30332. 

The meeting will begin...

We are pleased to announce that the 3rd Annual SESICB Southeastern Regional conference will be held on Friday, September 27, 2013 at Georgia Institute of Technology, located in the midtown district of Atlanta, Georgia. The conference will be held in Technology Square Research Building, Auditorium, located at 85 Fifth Street NW, Atlanta, Georgia 30332. 

The meeting will begin at 9:00 A.M. with a presentation from the keynote speaker. Additionally, we anticipate a full day of 10-minute talks covering topics pertaining to morphology and biomechanics of vertebrates, invertebrates, and plants. We especially encourage student talks, as the regional meetings provide a friendly environment in which to share research progress and new ideas. Talks will be interspersed with coffee breaks, giving plenty of opportunity for informal discussion. The meetings will finish at approximately 4 P.M. on Friday, which will give people some time to decompress and enjoy the city.

"Registration is free but mandatory"

Please register via the conference homepage


Event Details


  • Date: 
    Friday, September 27, 2013 - 5:00am

Technology Square Research Building Auditorium